
Young Investigator Stipends

Travel grants were awarded to young qualified researchers for participation in the Brain Tumor Meeting 2022. The financial support consists of a maximum of 500 €  (based on receipts) to be used for travel costs, accommodation and registration fee.
The following applicants were selected for a travel grant:
  • Ahmed, Faiza (Cardiff, UK
  • Asemota, Anthony (Loma Linda, USA)
  • Babačić, Haris (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Breznik, Barbara (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • Bukovac, Anja (Zagreb, Croatia)
  • Dzwigonska, Monika (Warsaw, Poland)
  • Garcia, Ana (Santarem, Portugal)
  • Habic, Anamarija (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • Hammed, Ali (Lattakia, Syrian Arab Republic)
  • Kamli, Adel (Toulouse, France)
  • Martins, Eduarda P. (Braga, Portugal)
  • Valiulyte, Indre (Kaunas, Lithuania)
  • Weng, Linqian (Leuven, Belgium)
Criteria for application:
  • eligible are students, Ph.D. students and young postdocs
  • the age limit is 35 years by the time of application
  • the applicant participates with an own contribution (poster or oral presentation)
  • the applicant is first author
The application must contain the following documents:
  • short cover letter with contact data
  • 1 page CV
  • list of publications (if applicable)
  • copy of the abstract
  • one short letter of recommendation
The deadline for submission was February 21, 2022 (midnight CET).

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Partner Organisations:

European Association of NeuroOncology

British Neuro-Oncology Society